Overturn life-threatening situations, bring relief from illness and extend lifespan with a Namgyal Tsechog puja. Calling upon the powerful healing energies of Namgyalma, one of the three supreme Buddhas of Longevity, this puja also averts obstacles that may interrupt spiritual practice and helps us avoid rebirth in the three lower realms.
- Extends lifespan.
- Supports healing from illnesses and disease.
- Purifies heavy negative body karma for longevity.
- Averts untimely death caused by accidents or disasters.
- Creates conducive conditions for spiritual practice.
- Creates causes for higher rebirths.
About Namgyalma
The female Buddha Namgyalma, also known as Ushnisha Vijaya, is one of the three long-life Buddhas, the other two being Amitayus and White Tara. She grants longevity and healing on anyone who seeks her blessings, so that we have more time to engage in spiritual practice, benefit others and move closer to our ultimate goal of enlightenment.
Her practice is extremely effective for extending lifespan and overcoming obstacles to long life. She also purifies the negative karma of the body, averts diseases and life-threatening situations, and helps us avoid a rebirth in the three lower realms.