Celebrate Lunar New Year by making offerings to Gyenze the Wishfulfiller, and dedicate your merits for health, wealth and a superb Year of the Snake! The Abundance Offering Package includes:
- 108 x Light Offerings
- 18 x Wish Fulfilling Tablets
- 3 x 8-ft Dragon Incense
- 1 x Wealth Attracting Gyenze Puja
- 1 x Obstacle Removing Trakze Puja
- 4 x Wish Fulfilling Dorje Shugden Pujas
8 types of Wish-Fulfilling Tablets are available. If you don't indicate your preference, a generic wish will be selected for you.
- May all wishes be fulfilled
(万事如意) - Abundant wealth & prosperity; financial & business success
(财源广进,生意兴隆) - Good health & long life
(身体健康, 长命百岁) - Blessings to all; fulfilment of wishes
(合家幸福,有求必应) - Safe travels wherever you go
(出入平安) - Increase wisdom; great success in studies
(智慧增长,金榜题名) - Successful career; bright future
(事业有成,前程似锦) - Good relationships; happiness in life
Our sangha and pastors will make prayers and offerings to the special wish fulfilling statue in Kechara Forest Retreat's Gyenze Chapel and at our other holy sites. Your name and dedication will be included with these offerings.
All proceeds support the maintenance of the temple.
Orders close Feb 7, 2025 (Fri) 11.59 pm (GMT +8).