Resolve financial troubles, extend lifespan, and increase wealth, resources and merits with a wish-fulfilling Gyenze puja. Also recommended as an auspicious start for new business ventures and to boost the success of existing businesses.
- Increases material wealth and prosperity.
- Alleviates financial difficulties.
- Attracts opportunities and resources for growth and success.
- Increases lifespan.
- Pacifies worldly and spiritual obstacles.
- Fulfils wishes and virtuous prayers.
- Protects from negative energies and harm.
- Purifies past negative actions.
- Accumulates great merits for spiritual growth and attainments.
About Gyenze the Wishfulfiller
Gyenze is the special "increase" form of the enlightened protector Dorje Shugden. Also known as Ratna Shugden, he can bring outer wealth for success in personal, career or business goals, and inner wealth for spiritual growth, higher realisations and happiness across lifetimes. In particular, he is known to increase lifespan, material resources, merit, and all that is good.